Brought to you courtesy of Nicole Cerqueira, Science Teacher

Saturday, October 22, 2011

SCVTS Mole Day 2011

This year's Mole Day went off without a hitch.  We had a full house at 6:02am in F11 - and despite the fact that no one in the room had gotten eight hours of sleep that night everyone was excited to celebrate.  The Chemistry 101 students made some great mole models in honor of the day, as well as some beautiful works of art.
 You may be wondering why these ladies are laughing...

Muriel was practicing
                                                                    her rap and dance moves...

And last but not least.... is a Mole Day Rap, presented by Aaliyah, Devon and Laura.  

Friday, October 14, 2011

How to get rid of a Nobel Prize, and fast!

Imagine you're a world-famous physicist working in Copenhagen, Denmark in 1940.  You've been sheltering Jewish physicists who fled German troops for years, and the Nazi party knows it.  In fact, two Jewish scientists have sent their solid gold Nobel Prizes to you for safekeeping.  Now, Nazi troops are literally marching through the streets of your city looking for you.  You NEED to get rid of these medals, but how?  CHEMISTRY - that's how!